Friday, August 17, 2018

Entity Framework Core Notes Part 1

We execute command line commands to add/update database or to generate model from a database.
We can either execute them on the command line,  powershell or Visual Studio's package manager console.

On previous versions of Entity Framework, we need to execute the command below to setup migrations on the project, to create the migrations folder:

> enable-migrations 

This is already considered obsolete in Entity Framework Core. The Add-Migrations script automatically creates for you the migrations folder, unless you have specified it explicitly with specific command line parameters.

Commands (Package Manager Console):

Adding migration scripts to the project.

> Add-Migration

Specifying a Migration name

> Add-Migration MyFirstMigration

Specifying a Migrations output directory

> Add-Migration MyOtherMigration -OutputDir OtherMigrationsDirectory

Targeting a Project for Migration

> Add-Migration SpecifiedProjectMigration -Project OtherCodeFirstProject

Applying the Migration scripts to the Database

> Update-Database

The following command removes the previous Migration

> Remove-Migration

Creating your models from an existing database

> Scaffold-DbContext "<ConnectionString>" Microsoft.EntityFramework.SqlServer -OutputDir Models

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