What is Content Security Policy (CSP)?
Response headers that allows web site administrators to control which resources are loaded on a given page. We control this by setting policies structured below:
Content-Security-Policy: <policy-directive>; <policy-directive>
The following example creates a default source to 'self' (server origin) and a style-src to 'self' and allows any css loaded from a somedomain.com domain:
Content-Secuirty-Policy: default src 'self'; style-src 'self' *.somedomain.com;
What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)?
Cross-SIte Scripting, is a client-side code injection attack. One type of vulnerable a page has to this kind of attacks if it does not validate or encode text that is entered to it's input control. With this a hacker can input a malicious script on the text then when saved and loaded back, the page would then execute that script.
Types of XSS Attacks
- Embedding of External Resources on the Page
- Writing Scripts to the Page Source
- Modifying the Document Object Model (DOM)
Please find link on the References section below for more information about Cross-Site Scripting.
Commonly Used Directives
Policy Directive
default-src | This directive contains the default values, for example if script-src is not specified, it used what is set on the default-src |
script-src | This directive controls the script resources locations (.js files), if we have referenced remote scripts we can specify the url for that on this directive |
style-src | This directive controls the style resources locations |
object-src | This directive controls being loaded on the page ex. flash |
media-src | This directive controls the media resources being loaded ex. mp3 |
frame-ancestors | This directive controls which sources can load the page into a child frame |
For other directives please refer to the link found on the References section below
Built-in Directive Values
Source Name
'self' | Refers to the origin from which request/response is being served. This allows all scripts from the origin server. |
'none' | Explicitly disallow script sources |
'unsafe-inline' |
Allows scripts that are coded in-line:
ex: <button id='sampleId' onclick='confirm('are you sure?')' />
'unsafe-eval' |
Allows scripts that use the eval() method, which creates javascript code from strings
ex: var value = eval(new String(a + b))