By default access modifiers on the fields are public, however you can explicitly set it to private or public.
class SampleFields {
id: number;
name: string;
description: string;
On the above example, field types are explicitly set.
A similar C# class would look like the following:
public class SampleFields
public int id;
public string name;
public string description;
Do note that type can be inferred:
class SampleFields {
id = 0;
name = "";
description = "";
Fields can also be defined on the constructor:
class SampleFields {
constructor (public id = 0, public name = "", public description = "") {
class SampleFields {
constructor (public id: number, public name: string, public description: string) {
This is called shorthanding
The following statement would only set the fields as local to the constructor block, thus is different from the examples above.
class SampleFields {
constructor (id: number, name: string, description: string) {
Do note that when accessing class scoped fields, we need to use the this keyword
class SampleFields {
constructor (public id: number, public name: string, public description: string) {
setFields() { = 1; = "SomeName";
this.description = "Some Description";
This is it for Typescript fields for now, do leave me a comment if you have corrections or questions.
K, Bye!